Over 10 years we help companies reach their translations goals. Tango Federal is a results-driven translation agency.

+10 years of experience in translation services



2222 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL


About Tango Federal Translations

Subtitling Services Experts

In a hyper-connected world, multimedia and audiovisual content distribution is of vital importance so that companies can communicate with their clients, employees and suppliers in the languages they need.

At Tango Federal Translation Services, we help our clients take their content beyond. Our services adapt to all types of content and formats, from institutional videos, movies and promotional materials to e-learning courses, audio books, audio guides, and more.

Subtitling is more than translating accurately; it involves perfect timing. In order to achieve this, our team of professionals is carefully selected, and professionally trained to produce time-fitted translations with tone, register and content accuracy.

Jorge Alonso

co-founder of company

Years of
what we do

We provide linguistic support to companies

We help companies improve their translation process, save on translation costs through new approaches and work strategies. We improve your translation spend with no final quality resignation.

Services for Every Industry

We are Subtitling Experts

Whether it’s for the film industry, for an institutional video, or for a medical conference, our subtitling services are coordinated with our translation department, so your content is accurately translated and adapted to the screen, no matter what industry the subtitles are for.

Most people enjoy the convenience of subtitled movies and television shows, but don’t think about the work put into them. The industry of subtitling is an industry on its own, and it requires specific skills.

Tango Federal Translation Services has the know-how, the software, the experts, and the reliability you need for your subtitling project.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a quote!

Price/Quality Relationship
Subtitling Services
Project Management